About us...

It started with a book called "The battle for the South Pole", written by J.W. Bezemer. I was a boy of about 9 years old and read. I read a lot. I read everything from the backside of a LP cover until the instructions manual of the washing machine. I was hungry for letters and words as another yearning for a hamburger. I wanted more, more letters, words and especially stories.

This resulted into a study at the Frederik Muller Akademie. This was an independent college of higher education which educated students for positions in the book trade, publishing and related fields. This was followed by an active life as a bookseller at the academic bookstores of Scheltema (Amsterdam), Scholtens Wristers (Groningen) and Selexyz.
I use the acquired professional knowledge and experience with my love for books for appropriate advice in finding for you that special book!

All the land and water on earth has now been mapped but there was a time when a journey to an undiscovered area was just as exciting as a trip to the moon or maybe even Mars.

Who can still go to the North Pole in a hundred or maybe fifty years? Who will get the chance to see the South Pole in its full ice-cold glory? Feel the freezing cold as Scott, Amundsen and all those other polar travelers experienced? For that reason alone, these stories must be preserved and they are more than worth reading!

Look around our website and if you have any questions: do not hesitate to call or email us.


Wicher van den Bemt

Oude Brinkweg 85

9751 RL Haren

Phone: +31 6 1971 6992
E-mail: info@bemtbooks.nl

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